
We use the best available evidence to develop recommendations that guide decisions in health, public health and social care.

Published guidance on this topic (12)

  • New guidance in the last 6 months (0)
  • Updated guidance in the last 6 months (0)
  • In development guidance (0)

Quality standards

Set out priority areas for quality improvement in health and social care.

Published quality standards on this topic (8)

Guidance by programme

Products being developed or updated

Blog on this topic

Reviewing the impact of our guidance

NICEimpact reports look at how the health and care system uses our recommendations to improve outcomes in priority areas.

NICEimpact mental health

How our evidence-based guidance contributes to improvements in the care of people with mental health conditions.

  Mental health - NICEImpact report (PDF)

Putting guidance into practice

Shared learning

Examples of how our guidance and standards have been put into practice in the NHS, local authorities, voluntary sector and a range of other organisations.

Showing 3 of 16 shared learning examples for this topic:

View all 16 shared learning examples


How can we help people who are lonely? 

In this podcast we chat to:

  • Neil McCarthy from not-for-profit organisation Octavia and Gill Roberts about schemes that help people who are lonely.

  • Val about her personal experiences living in an Octavia extra care scheme.

  • Kate Terroni, Oxfordshire Council’s Adult Social Care Director about how Amazon Echos can reduce social isolation.

  • Alive Activities about older people in care.